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Snacks and Sleuthing: Animal Fact Check Lesson Plan

This is a lesson plan for a low-stakes activity that gives students a chance to practice fact-checking and lateral reading skills.

Using the Stases for Reflective Practice | Rhetorical Analysis Using the Stases

The stases are an ordered series of questions used to analyze sticking points in an argument or controversy. In this video, learn how to use the stases for reflective practice.

Three Digital Literacy Myths

Are digital natives automatically digitally literate? Is digital literacy just about technology? Is digital literacy a replacement for traditional literacy? Discover the truth behind these myths in this video.

Composing in Multiple Modes

How can different modes of communication be used to reach an audience more effectively? This video will help you find out.

How to Write Effective Peer Review Comments

What's the difference between higher-order and lower-order concerns in peer review, and how can I write effective peer review comments? Find out in this video.

What It Means to Be a Peer Reviewer

Is being a peer reviewer the same as grading my classmate's work? Am I supposed to proofread their paper? This video will cover the role of the peer reviewer.

Three Myths About Peer Review

Do good writers get it right the first time? Can my classmate really give me good feedback on my paper? In this video, we'll dispel common myths about peer review.

Digital Literacy Framework Toolkit

This toolkit is intended to help you put the digital literacy framework from the University Libraries at Virginia Tech into action. Use this toolkit to align your work with digital literacy learning outcomes, get inspired when revising or creating a workshop, curriculum, program, or other learning experience, and learn more about the digital literacy framework.

Writing More Effective Abstracts

This video defines abstracts, discusses their purpose, and identifies strategies for writing effective abstracts. This video was created for the Advanced Research Skills Program and included in the module Writing Successful Proposals.

Crafting Better Proposal Titles

This video discusses the importance of research proposal titles and identifies strategies to improve proposal title clarity. It was created for the Advanced Research Skills Program and included in the module Writing Successful Proposals.

Managing Your Files

This video reviews the process for managing and organizing your own files and covers strategies/best practices for naming files and utilizing subfolders. It was created for the Advanced Research Skills Program and included in the module Managing & Organizing Data.

Digital Citizen Wellness

Handouts to accompany the digital citizenship quiz.

What Kind of Digital Citizen Are You?

A quiz to help students discover what kind of digital citizen they are.

Sample Technologies for Communication

A handout describing different types of communication technologies.

Best Practices for Online Communication

A guide to best practices for online communication.